Friday, November 19, 2010

Tear Sheet: Lanvin for H&M Debuts Tomorrow!


Its almost time! Lanvin's collection for H&M is hitting the stores tomorrow and the interwebs is abuzz with sneak peeks of the goods. All indications are that this one is not going to disappoint !

Prices run the gamut from $9.99 for a lipstick to $349 for a coat, which seems to indicate the fabrications and construction should be quite a step up for the chain. According to one lucky writer from BlackBook "After attending a preview of the collection and being able to eyeball every ruffle and seam, I must say I am impressed" 

The official Lookbook with prices and full ad campaign is available here, and check out a few  "unofficial" photos after the jump !

The garment bag is a nice touch, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. dig the unofficial photos. they give a better idea of what the product looks like than the lookbook does
