Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tear Sheet: Copenhagen Street Style
Did you know that the Danish are very into street fashion? Well, we at Eye Spy are aware, for obvious reasons, but you should still check out http://copenhagenstreetstyle.dk/. The site focuses on photographs, and may be Copenhagen's answer to The Sartorialist.
You won't find much info here regarding where to get these items, or who these peeps are, but the photos are beautiful, and most of the clothes have that European vibe that we just can't pull off here in the states. What do you think? Is a shopping trip to Copenhagen in your future?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Whitney and Dominga in Williamsburg, Brooklyn
I couldn't resist stopping these lovely ladies when I spotted them in Williamsburg, and they were just as awesome as their outfits. I loved the color, and the sense of fun in both their styles and personalities.
Whitney Pozgay (left) is a fashion designer with her own line called "Whit". Dominga Gardener (right) is a publicist, and handles her designer friend among other fabulous people.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
Dress: Steven Alan No.6
Bag: Marc Jacobs
Shoes: Steve Madden
Necklace: purchased at a japanese baby store, and is most likely not supposed to be a necklace.
Dress: Forever 21
Bag: Marc Jacobs
Flip Flops: Havaianas
Is there any particular item you are shopping for right now?
Whitney is looking for a beautiful camel coat for the upcoming season, and some leopard shoes. Dominga is planning on purchasing a great trench coat, and anything with polka dots.
What are your favorite stores?
The answer to this one is basically a primer on where to shop if you want to have mad style: Bird, Honey in the Rough, In God we Trust, and Jumelle.
Can you describe your personal style?
Whitney describes her style as "Classic with a Mod Twist". She likes primary colors, and is inspired by a 60's French vibe. The pair discuss Dominga's look for a moment, and settle on "Preppy Mexican".
Friday, August 27, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Dania in Park Slope
Don't you love this graphic combination of navy and white stripes with red accents? Dania can not only rock this look, but is super friendly and willing to chat about it.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
Dress: purchased in a small store in Greenport, Long Island, which sadly, no longer exists.
Shoes: Saltwater Sandals. Dania highly recommends these shoes, and I mean highly. Apparently, todays walk is the maiden voyage of these particular sandals, and her feet are pretty happy. Since its extremely hard to find a pair of cute summer shoes that are really comfortable to walk in, I thought I'd pass on the tip.
Is there any particular item you are shopping for right now?
Dania says she is alway on the look out for shifts and other simple dresses. She needs to be presentable for sudden meetings at her PR job, while still staying comfortable, and finds dresses the easiest way to accomplish that. When fall rolls around, she'll pair her dresses with leggings and flat boots.
What are your favorite stores?
Dania says it's a mix, but she loves Anthropoligie. As a New Yorker, she finds it hard to resist small boutiques, particularly if she is able to save time by shopping on the stores website.
Can you describe your personal style?
Dania is into comfort, and color. She says she is definitely not monochromatic, and likes the way color lets a person go any way they want with their look.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tear Sheet: Time Out New York on the Upper West Side
Time Out New York visits the Upper West Side this week for a street fashion piece. Recurrent themes seem to be interesting sunglasses frames, blue shoes, and not surprisingly, fedoras. Once again, peeps are mixing it up by combining high end labels with vintage items.
We're not sure why the ubiquitous jeans and white shirt combo is making an appearance in at least one of these pics, but overall there is some great personal style represented here. What do think? Check it out here.
We're not sure why the ubiquitous jeans and white shirt combo is making an appearance in at least one of these pics, but overall there is some great personal style represented here. What do think? Check it out here.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Keanna on Court Street and Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn
Keanna is a great example of looking hot while keeping cool! As a visitor from Buffalo, she was a little freaked out about being approached, but was pretty nice about answering my questions anyway.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
Romper: Karmaloop.com
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Saks Fifth Avenue
Is there any particular item you are shopping for right now?
Keanna has her eye on some Ralph Lauren riding pants, and riding boots. ( these are nice! )
What are your favorite stores?
Keanna names Ralph Lauren, exclusively.
Can you descibe your personal style?
Keanna just giggles at this question, and before she has a chance to elaborate, her friend joins us and informs me that Keanna is only talking to me because she is not from here. Apparently, a real New Yorker would never, ever, ever, ever cooperate. How silly of me to think otherwise.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tear Sheet: New York Times Must Haves
Is it just me, or does The New York Times only cover fashion trends that are at least a year old? A recent story excerpted on the website from "T Magazine" chronicles Fall 2010 "Must Haves" and the selections run from the predictable to...WTF. Low heels, fur accessories, gold jewelry (duh), and a bizarre patchwork sheepskin coat all make the cut. Check it out here
What do you think of these predictions ? A self-fufilling prophesy perhaps?
What do you think of these predictions ? A self-fufilling prophesy perhaps?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Michelangelo Perez and Jasmine in Carroll Gardens

How cute are these two? Michelangelo Perez and Jasmine had just returned to Brooklyn after a shopping expedition to Hot Topic at the Queens Center Mall and they immediately caught my eye. Michelangelo is 19, and works for a business his mother owns; Jasmine is 16 and a student.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
entire outfit is from Hot Topic
shirt: Yellow Rat Bastard
leggings: Jean Louis
hair clip: this was formerly a headband that her sister gave her, but it broke, and Jasmine turned it into a clip.
purse: Hot Topic
What are your favorite stores?
I think you might already know the answer to this one. Michelangelo says his favorite stores are Hot Topic and Urban Outfitters. Jasmine agrees regarding the awesomeness of Hot Topic, and also likes Yellow Rat Bastard.
Can you describe your personal style?
Michelangelo says they do their own thing and don't give much thought to what everybody else thinks. They wear what they feel like.
( as long as it's from Hot Topic )
Friday, August 20, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Ilana on Smith Street
Ilana works in advertising and is the mom of a cute kid. She was wearing this fashionable ensemble to take her daughter to the park on a recent Saturday, and in true New York style, managed to look effortlessly chic while simultaneously answering my questions and keeping an eye on her rugrat who was dangerously close to veering into the street.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
dress: Juicy Couture purchased either in London or at Century 21, she forgets.
bag: scooped up in Camden Town in London
shoes: DSW
What are your favorite stores?
Ilana prefers the shopping options in London, where the family lived until last year. She names Selfridges, French Connection, and Diesel.
Can you describe your personal style?
Comfortable, fun, and trendy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tear Sheet: Tokyo Street Fashion

We have to admit, we like what we see here.....even though we still give props to the little book that started street-fashion-reporting-mania.
What do you think? Check it out here
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Gloria Holer in Cobble Hill
I always love it when I get to interview a "celebrity" ! Gloria Holer is the singer and occasionally the drummer for the punk band Hotter than a Crotch, which independent research confirms is, in fact, a real band. Today she is also rocking an unusual personal style, which is why I had to talk to her. Gloria's companion is a good sport about not being asked to participate, explaining that when he got dressed this morning in jeans and a button down shirt, he was prepared for the reality that he might not be interviewed about fashion, and he was ok with that.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
Top: this is really a scarf and was purchased in an Indian store in Seattle.
Vest: a gift from her mother, from H&M
Skirt: Forever 21
Shoes: Thrifted, then stowed away so they wouldn't get ruined, and then subsequently forgotten. One year and a half later, after ruining all of her other shoes, Gloria found these in her closet and now the sandals get to enjoy their moment in the sun.
Glasses: vintage frames
Is there any particular item you are shopping for right now?
Gloria shops on impulse, but reveals plans to start a new trend of wearing multiple vests at one time, so its safe to assume that she will be needing more of those.
What are your favorite stores?
Thrift stores, or any store that carries a lot of colorful items. Gloria says she is both picky and cheap, personality traits which heavily influence her shopping decisions.
Can you describe your personal style?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tear Sheet: Fall Trend
Now that we don't necessarily have to run the a/c 24 hours a day, it's time to think about fall shopping! At least that's what Style.com would like us to think, and luckily they have updated their website just in time. A slideshow of all the necessary Fall Trends is available on their website, but allow me to paraphrase for you - Go out now and buy: furs, bright colors, menswear inspired suiting and outerwear, long skirts, fifties inspired clothing, and stuff you can layer. Also, while you were distracted by the economy and contemplating whether Israel will invade Iran, you may have missed this declaration: gold is the new black!
So do you covet any of these items? And how much of this did you see coming? Check it out here
So do you covet any of these items? And how much of this did you see coming? Check it out here
Monday, August 16, 2010
Coming Soon to Eye Spy !
Just wanted to let everyone know that starting Wednesday 8/18/10 the popular "Peeps On The Street" feature will be updated on a regular schedule, as opposed to the current "whenever I feel like it" format. Watch for new Peeps every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. Those of you who have been recently spotted, but not published yet will debut soon, so please check back!
Additionally, Eye Spy Style Report is working on some exciting new original content, which will appear over the coming weeks. Please check it out, and let us know your thoughts.
Additionally, Eye Spy Style Report is working on some exciting new original content, which will appear over the coming weeks. Please check it out, and let us know your thoughts.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Timmy on Smith & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn
Timmy is 21 and a student at Syracuse, where she studies Fashion Design. She has been visiting Brooklyn this week, gracing us with her presence and sense of style.
Where did you get what you are wearing today ?
Romper: A friend picked this up in London for 1 pound, but hated it, so it was passed on to Timmy who wears it well.
Belt: Ports 1961, purchased inexpensively at a sample sale in The Hamptons
Bag: Victoria's Secret
Flip Flops: Havaianas ( available everywhere )
Is there any particular item you are shopping for right now ?
Timmy, like most of us, needs more belts. She says she is always looking around for anything "different".
What are your favorite stores ?
Timmy names "salvo", which is what the cool kids call Salvation Army. She also likes Urban Outfitters, Blue&Cream, vintage stores, and street sales.
Can you describe your personal style?
Funky and ecclectic, but a little put together.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tear Sheet: New York Magazine Reader Look Book
New York Magazine has an "interactive" feature on their website, called "Reader Look Book", where people can upload photos of their favorite outfits, and with almost 200 images to click through, its a pretty substantial resource. Most interesting to us is the high percentage of items from inexpensive and mass market stores like Target, H&M and Alice&Olivia for Payless, mixed in with higher end names and vintage pieces. Check it out here.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tear Sheet: Elle Magazine Fifties, Fifties
Quite a bit has been reported in the magazines lately declaring the 50's to be the decade du jour. Elle Magazine has a slideshow on their website presenting photos "for inspiration" taken at something called "Summer Jamboree", which takes place in Sennigallia, Italy. Considering the fact that this is a Rockabilly & Swing festival, we're not sure what else they could have expected to find, but the looks are interesting. In case you couldn't figure out what you are supposed to take away from this, the copy points out longer hemlines, bright lipstick, scarves, halters, corsets ( uh-oh! ) and liberal use of prints, particularly polka dots.
Do you think people will take this one literally ? And has the fifties trend given impetus to the fact that every guy we know is now riding a motorcycle ? Cuz I wanna know whats up with that.
Do you think people will take this one literally ? And has the fifties trend given impetus to the fact that every guy we know is now riding a motorcycle ? Cuz I wanna know whats up with that.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Tear Sheet: Lucky Magazine ultra-cool summer festival style
Here's a cool one: Lucky Magazine has a piece on their website by handbag designer Rebecca Minkoff and singer songwriter Diane Birch, where the two snap pics of their favorite looks at the Coachella and Bonnaroo music festivals. We wish they had included some info on where to get these items, but whatevs. Inspired? Check it out here: Ultra-Cool Summer Festival Style: luckymag.com
Peeps on The Street: Judita in Bryant Park, NYC
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
shoes: Aerosoles
bag: Urban Outfitters
dress: Wet Seal
belt: small boutique in Long Beach, California (which she would evidently like to keep secret)
shades: Initium (and they flip up!)
Is there any particular item you are looking for right now?
Judita explains that she doesn't consider herself that fashionable, but does admit to wanting more dresses for summer. She likes classic styles that go with everything.
What are your favorite stores?
Can you describe your personal style?
Apparently, Judita's personal style has mirrored her own personal evolution. When she was younger, she was Goth, but more recently she has developed an affinity for a more bohemian style to reflect her interest in natural health. Specifically, she's swapped her love of black for brown because it's softer and earthier.
She describes her look as feminine and girly, preferring dresses, heels, and fitted silhouettes.
To read more about what Judita has to say, check out her blog
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tear Sheet: Vogue Magazine 10 Best Dressed List
The Vogue Magazine website runs a weekly slideshow featuring those whom they have deemed to be the 10
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Peeps on the Street: Hayley on 7th Avenue and 9th Street, Brooklyn
Hayley is 17 and plans to attend college in the fall, although she hasn't decided which one. Her friend declined to participate, but Hayley said sure, whatever, she didn't care, so I took that as a yes.
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
Sweatshirt: actually belongs to Hayley's brother and she thinks he got it at Beacon's Closet.
Skirt: Beacon's Closet
Boots: a thrift store in Manhattan
Tights: these are old and just ripped on their own, she didn't intentionally "distress" them, but rocks them anyway.
Is there any particular item you are shopping for right now?
Hayley doesn't look for anything specific, she just buys whatever she feels like.
What are your favorite stores?
Beacon's Closet (5th avenue location, Park Slope), Forever 21, and Urban Outfitters.
Can you describe your personal style?
"You can just write whatever you want"
Monday, August 2, 2010
Retail Report: Black Bear
I stopped by Black Bear in Windsor Terrace for a chat with Julia Duncan-Roitman, who co-owns and runs the store with her partner, Michelle Ferrara. The shop is super cute, and bursting with vintage clothing and accessories, as well as a well curated selection of home decor and gifts. They opened in May 2010, and are located at 469 16th Street in Brooklyn, NY, conveniently next door to an ice cream shop.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Peeps on The Street: Laurel and Christopher in Park Slope South
Where did you get what you are wearing today?
Oversized shirt, worn as a dress - Goodwill in Austin, Texas
Necklace - made by a friend
Arm Band - old glove, modified by cutting
Boots - she forgets, but thinks she either got them at Payless, or a thrift store.
Bag - Laurel made this herself, out of a belt and a muumuu
Sneakers: Topman
Pants: Shipley and Halmos
Shirt and Belt: Both Diesel
Glasses: Vintage
Are there any particular items you are looking for right now?
Laurel says the number one thing she is looking for now is a pair of pointy black shoes with a kitten heel. She also mentions vintage lace, caftans and tunics for their versatility, platform shoes, and cute tights for fall.
Christopher says he is always looking for eyeglass frames, sunglasses, and hats.
What are your favorite places to shop?
Not surprisingly, they say they get most of their clothes at thrift or vintage stores, especially Housing Works. They also mention Olives Vintage, Monk, and Meshimar.
Can you describe your personal style?
Laurel on Christopher: "Steampunk Dandy"
Christopher on Laurel: "Vintage Warrior Princess"
For more info on Laurel, Christopher and their work, check out their blog: ilovefactory@blogspot.com
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